Friday, April 30, 2010

Delicate, but Strong Flowers!

fertilizer Friday I love living in a valley most of the time. We have beautiful views of the mountains year round. However, when the wind whips through our little valley, I dream of living in a less aerodynamic terrain.  It is not uncommon to have wind gusts in excess of 70 miles an hour and the dust devils and unpredictable wind shifts can do quite a bit of damage.  This time all of our benches were picked up and turned over:

April 2010 403 Despite the wind storms, the flowers clung to the branches!

April 2010 422 Apple Blossoms

April 2010 394 Forsythia Flowers

April 2010 389 Cascading Flowers on the Weeping Cherry Tree

April 2010 380 Pear Blossoms

April 2010 377 The Tulips and Hyacinth hung on to their petals too!

April 2010 396 Another UFO (Unidentified Flowering Object). I am still trying to identify some of the plants that were here when we moved in. You all have been so helpful in the past, so I thought I would include a picture of this bush. It is actually about 6 feet high and 3 feet wide.

I am continually amazed by the strength and endurance of the plants on our property. Every week I am overjoyed by some plants survival or recovery.  How are your plants doing? Hopefully they are not having to work quite as hard as mine to survive!

Tomorrow I will share what is blooming in my garage and how my vegetable garden survived the storms.

To see beautiful gardens from all over the world, visit Flaunt Your Flowers/Fertilizer Friday at Tootsie Time.


Bonnie said...

All your blossoms are gorgeous!

deb said...

So glad the blossoms held on!! Everything is just beautiful!

Avalon's Garden and Mewsings of Garden Cottage Cats said...

Everything looks Beautiful! Have a great weekend!

Miss Debbie said...

My, you must have a beautiful place! Is it a pink dogwood? Sort of looks like a dogwood blossom.

Maureen said...

Looking good! We've had a couple of days of high wind - what a nuisance!

Catherine@AGardenerinProgress said...

Those are some high winds! I thought the 30's felt high. Glad your plants hung onto their petals.
Your UFO flowers remind me of a flowering plum of some type. Whatever they are, they're pretty.

Jeannie B. said...

Your flowering trees are exquisite!

Carla said...

Sometime, in my dream garden, I will have weeping cherries that thrive!! Isn't it amazing how trees can hold on to their blooms? Or even their leaves for that matter? So pretty...

*Crystal* said...

From the picture the flowers look like one from an Indian Hawthorne... I could be wring though.

Paula said...

Your blooms are great! Thanks for sharing! Paula in Idaho

Unknown said...

Thanks so much for stopping by for a visit. I have enjoyed peaking through your blog, lots of wonderful information there. Thanks for sharing.

Becca's Dirt said...

Beautiful blooms on your trees. Wow what a wind storm. That's almost hurricane strength.

Alea Milham said...

During our wind storms we actually miss living in hurricane country. At least there, we received several days warning before the storm hit. We often have no idea when we are going to get a storm - the first clue usually being the trampoline flying sideways across the yard.:D