Friday, April 2, 2010

A Few More Flowers to Flaunt…

fertilizer Friday
I am going to work really hard not to whine, but we have had snow for the last 3 days. The snow is not bothering my bulbs, but it is wreaking havoc on my vegetable garden. The snow also washes off my homemade rabbit repellent and if I don’t quickly reapply it after the snow melts the rabbits eat my tulips. Woe is me. I am done whining, now on to the flowers:

March 2010 260 I returned from vacation to find my daffodils in bloom.
March 2010 264 I plan to plant many more Hyacinth this fall, since they add a bright spot of color and they are one of the few bulbs the rabbits don’t try to eat.
March 2010 256 A bulb, whose name I have forgotten, but still faithfully blooms along with her sisters, each spring! Please let me know if  you know this little beauty’s name.March 2010 315 And last, but not least, the very hardy Vinca Minor. Sometimes, you just have to get on your belly to appreciate God’s beauty! To prove my point, I want to show you the bed where the last two pictures came from:
March 2010 316
To view other gardens, perhaps even some where their owners do not have to lay down in the dirt to find the flowers, visit Flaunt Your Flowers Friday at Tootsie Time.

I will post pictures of my Square Foot Garden tomorrow. I can’t promise there won’t be more whining, but when you see the pictures, I think you will understand why.

How is your garden growing? Are you having to look real close to see the signs of spring?


Anonymous said...

Lovely flowers! Your pink blossoms look like Chionodoxa, Glory of the Snow. I have some in our back yard. They are just finishing their bloom time. We're in zone 6a. Thanks for sharing your garden blooms! ~~Rhonda

Tootsie said...

whining is allowed ...snow is depressing...and I hope it is gone by now!!! I think your photos are pretty so far...hope the weather co-operates and your veggies are safe!
thanks for linking in this week...sorry it took so long for me to get here!